requested by Councilman Tim Slavin

After several months of meetings and debate on the fate of a vacant recreation building at Dover Park,saying,, Dover City Council on Monday night reached an agreement to allow its demolition. The vote was preceded by almost an hour of discussion,,mastering French, questions and some confusion over specifics about what they were trying to do. The resolution came following a five-minute recess, requested by Councilman Tim Slavin,coach outlet online, who in that time worked out a compromise most found acceptable. The recreation building, constructed in 1974 and empty for more than two years, has been a community focus since its demolition first was suggested by the city s planning staff in 2013. City Planning Director Anne Marie Townshend had argued the center was unfit for use due to mold,51 AM EDT2014-05-22 11, water leakage and age. Repairs to the building,cheap uggs australia,Omar Samhan, which community activists including former Councilman Reuben Salters had wanted to retain, were too expensive, Townshend had argued. However,and Charles Xavier/Professor X, a majority of council members over the past year said they wanted to keep the building, defeating several motions to approve its demolition. Opponents argued that without the building,Never heard of her,toms shoes outlet, children on the east side of town would have no place to play or spend recreational time, and tied a demolition approval to a commitment to put up a new building. Slavin s solution came in three parts: 1) awarding a $35,cheap uggs,t seem to want to do it. On the contrary,000 contract to tear down the vacant center as a matter of public safety; 2) advertising for an architectural study on a new building,, with that study to be completed by May 2015; and 3) allowing the city council,, once a citywide recreational needs study is complete, to decide if a new building is necessary or if the needs of the community could be met by improvements to the park other than erecting a new recreation center. The council already has set aside $180,000 for work in Dover Park; funding for the architectural study would come from that reserve and the remainder used either for seed money for a recreation center or some other project,coach factory outlet, such as a skate park or splash park. This arrangement would allow the council, in 2016, to decide if there is the need for a new building and how to pay for it, Slavin said. Afterward, the councilman seemed relieved the issue finally had been resolved. We re going to eliminate a building that was unfairly neglected and abandoned by the city,000 a year, and now the pressure is on us to design a new solution,ray ban sunglasses outlet, he said. In other business, council approved without debate the city s Fiscal Year 2015 budget, a $136 million spending plan that contains no new taxes, but which draws on reserves from its electric fund to balance spending. Page 2 of 2 - The panel also unanimously declared homes at 238 N. New St. and 640 Nimitz Road as dangerous properties, giving the owners until July 23 to repair or demolish the properties. Council President David Bonar noted council will meet in a special session at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday night for the swearing in of Mayor-elect Robin R. Christiansen.

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